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<p> The first <a xhref="">Tory Burch Flip Flops</a> was the navy-trimmed canvas Initial Tote (we’ll update you once it becomes available online), which is embossed with her father’s family emblem, which has been remodeled as a new emblem for her line. The next was this nautical-inspired Bright Stitched Tote and matching Stitched Clutch, which she said she loves using for travel- the clutch carrying essentials like wallet and passport. Finally, she likes the Scarab Resin Clutch (it’s not available yet, but it’s similar to the Hadley Resin Clutch). </p>
<p>The downside to this  <a xhref="">Tory Burch Handbags</a> online March 20, 2008,When it is in 2008 , the shoe on the chinese language market chain franchising quietly has gone twenty years. the identical also for chinese language shoe market this yr will possibly be a incredibly unusual year: connected with the mass implementation on the strategy of merger action watch and funding,ch is that it’s pretty heavy for a clutch, but in its defense, it’s not an unexpected heft because it does look heavy with all those beetles on the frontLastly,<a xhref="">Tory Burch Flip Flops</a>talked about her inspirations and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that she draws inspiration from her travels. Usually, each collection is inspired by a particular trip- for example, her Summer collection draws from her trip to Dubai, and her Pre-Fall collection from a visit to Venice. Goods shipped within 24 hours.Tory Burch Reva Ballerina Flats Lace BlueTory Burch Reva Ballerina Flats Lace Blue is a brandnew item of <a xhref="">Tory Burch Sandals</a> ,with lace around the shoe upper,a brand logo on the back.Wearing this shoes,you will feel walk with more confidence and charm.Production Description:Calf leatherrubber outsole.</p>
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Par yucai le lundi 04 juillet 2011


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